What Happens To My Pet When Disaster Strikes Part Three:
After The Disaster Strikes
- Pets experience stress just like we do, and if they have had to be separated from you as well, they may show behavior that isn’t usual for them. Some pets become aggressive or defensive. Keeping them as calm as possible and maybe away from other animals and strangers is a good idea.
- Even after you have returned to your home if possible, keep a close watch on your pets outdoors as things like fencing and gates may be damaged and let them leave their yard.
- Pets can be disoriented as the landscape is changed, their markers of their own property are destroyed as well.
- Hazardous material, debris, chemicals and other substances may be open, scattered around, and a danger to your pet’s nose, feet and mouth. An extra effort should be made to look around and remove anything that may harm your pet in any way.
- Lot’s of Love and reassurance and petting will help you and your pet through the hard times.
If your pet is having a hard time adjusting call me and you and your pet can have a conversation to help all of you through this.
June Is National Pet Preparedness Month
This information was provided by The American Red Cross.